imNativ is an Aurim S.p.a brand S.p.a. – P. IVA: IT01947310288

I’m Innovative

#Studio is our research and development laboratory a real creative workshop, unstoppable and full of talent. Here the ideas take shape; they are transformed into fabric through a path comprised of study, comparison and continuous experimentation.

This is where the ImNativ collections are born – the result of constant research and selection and a great passion for nature.

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Thermal capacities

ImNativ fabrics do not fear the force of nature. It is always ready to face the cold, rain and wind. After washing, it does not need ironing and all its qualities remain unchanged throughout the seasons – always being fresh in summer and comfortable in winter.

The ImNativ universe is where resistance, durability and breathable action intertwine and give life to exceptional fabrics. Due to this, ImNativ has no limits and can be used in a thousand different ways and contexts.


Vapour permeability. imNativ’s permeability ensures the rapid transfer of moisture and sweat through the fabric and therefore ensures maximum breathability.


Heat transfer coefficient. The high capacity to retain heat makes imNativ the ideal fabric for maintaining body temperature at a comfortable level, equal to a 100% wool fabric.


Maximum practicality

ImNativ is hydrophobic – it repels water thanks to its special fibres.

ImNativ fabrics dry very quickly and are resistant to wear caused by atmospheric agents.

ImNativ does not retain water and is ideal even for extreme outdoor uses.


Liquid absorption coefficient. The low liquid absorption value considerably reduces the amount of liquid that remains on the surface.


We are confident in the durability, quality, strength and durability of imNativ. Each fabric is tested hundreds of times to ensure our very high standards in terms of comfort and performance.

Comfortable and resistant

Soft and enveloping, yet extremely resistant. ImNativ adapts to every room in your home and to every need in your life.

And thanks to the different textures and the wide range of shades, ImNativ complements all styles of furniture.

Hypoallergenic and breathable

ImNativ is a naturally hypoallergenic, bacteriostatic and anti-mite fabric: thanks to its fibres, it is able to mechanically repel mould and fungi.

Keeps your environments hygienic and protected without the use of chemical finishes that are harmful to the skin.


They ask about me

Can I machine wash ImNativ fabrics?

Yes. ImNativ fabrics are both hand and machine washable. The special fibres do not trap dirt and stains, so washing your fabric will be extremely easy. For a flawless result, just add a small amount of neutral detergent. No chemical solvents are required.

Are all ImNativ fabrics fireproof?

ImNativ is extremely versatile and adapts to any context, ensuring resistance and reliability. On request they can also be fireproof: check their feasibility with your ImNativ supplier.

Are all ImNativ fabrics waterproof?

ImNativ fabrics are hydrophobic and breathable. They are not affected by airborne agents and are resistant to most domestic staining agents. Furthermore, ImNativ fabrics dry very quickly.

How do I take care of my ImNativ fabric?

ImNativ takes care of your spaces and environments, but in return it requires very little attention. You can wash it by hand or in the washing machine, with a small amount of detergent and without any solvents as its fibres are able to repel stains and dirt. ImNativ dries quickly and does not need to be ironed.

the imnativ fabric closest to you

Come and get to know me

You can't say you really know imNativ if you haven’t seen it up close and felt the difference.

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