imNativ is an Aurim S.p.a brand S.p.a. – P. IVA: IT01947310288

Contact imNativ

imNativ è un mondo dove innovazione, responsabilità sostenibile e creatività convivono in totale armonia. Se condividi i nostri valori e hai voglia di intraprendere una nuova avventura nel totale rispetto dell’ambiente, diventa partner autorizzato dei tessuti imNativ ed offri ai tuoi clienti un’alternativa sostenibile e versatile.


Ti interessa diventare un partner?

If you are interested in selling imNativ products and spreading our environmental message through your business, please fill out the contact form. If there are opportunities available in your area, the Sales Representative will be in touch with you shortly.

Domande frequenti

Can I machine wash ImNativ fabrics?

Yes. ImNativ fabrics are both hand and machine washable. The special fibres do not trap dirt and stains, so washing your fabric will be extremely easy. For a flawless result, just add a small amount of neutral detergent. No chemical solvents are required.

Are all ImNativ fabrics fireproof?

ImNativ is extremely versatile and adapts to any context, ensuring resistance and reliability. On request they can also be fireproof: check their feasibility with your ImNativ supplier.

Are all ImNativ fabrics waterproof?

ImNativ fabrics are hydrophobic and breathable. They are not affected by airborne agents and are resistant to most domestic staining agents. Furthermore, ImNativ fabrics dry very quickly.

How do I take care of my ImNativ fabric?

ImNativ takes care of your spaces and environments, but in return it requires very little attention. You can wash it by hand or in the washing machine, with a small amount of detergent and without any solvents as its fibres are able to repel stains and dirt. ImNativ dries quickly and does not need to be ironed.